Game decision Help


Revenant Member
Revenant Ambassador
Bronze Donor
Middle earth shadow of mordor or dragonage inquisistion.

I honestly don't know which one i should get, because i'm only going to get one. right now i'm leaning to inquisistion solely based on the fact that it has 4 player co-op. but mordor looks amazing also. what do you guys think which one would you get and why.


Revenant Member
Revenant Ambassador
myself, I am going to hold off on shadows till it comes down a bit. I will be buying DA Inq. soon as it comes out~


in that case just follow the link in my signature to g2a and you can get both the game for 65€, dragon age inquisition is 35€ and shadow of mordor is 30€.
(I ask that you follow my link because if you buy the games though my referral I get a little percentage and the price is the same for you :p )

about the games if you like a RPG game go inquisition, if you prefer a game in the lines of assassins creed go with shadow of mordor.
I will definitely get inquisition but then dragon age 1 was one of my favorite game ever.


i will be going with dragon age personally but i will admit shadows of mordor does look interesting but i will be dreadfully honest i am not buying ether of them at there release i will wait a month or 2 before i buy ether one so i can see if they r a flop or if they live up to there hype and based on what i read see and hear from friends then i will buy one